Our Nursery


It's official! One Nation Childcare has been given a GOOD grading by Ofsted!

In January 2024, we had our Ofsted inspection. The staff have all worked extremely hard and are extremely proud to have had our hard work rewarded! We will continue to push ourselves to improve our standard and level of care for your child.

See our latest report from Ofsted here.

Designed for your child

One Nation Nursery has been designed to ensure children of all ages can play, discover, explore and learn to maximise their potential.

Our building has been fully refurbished in November 2016, providing new facilities for our creative children. This includes a wide range of equipment and resources that are age-appropriate and can provide children with opportunities for learning through play and exploration.

Our outdoor space is safe, secured and always monitored by staff members. We have an adequate garden space and play area, which is accessible in most weather conditions.

Safeguarding your child

At One Nation Nursery, child safety and well-being is of the utmost importance - every child has the equal right to protection and care. We continuously strive to provide space where children are kept safe and well. We are also committed to ensuring professional, suitable and prompt responses are given if necessary.

Our Safeguarding Policy and Procedures are available at the nursery. To view them, please ask a member of staff.

"...child safety and well-being is of the utmost importance - every child has the equal right to protection and care."